Junior Development Program (Born 2012-17) - Term 4 2024
Sat 19th October to Sat 14th December @ 2-3pm
Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre
Learn to play water polo for school age children 8-12 years.
NSW Winter Metro season dates for 2024 are as follows:
Juniors: 26th May - 25th August
Men: 28th May - 20th August
Women: 29th May - 21st August
NSW Summer Metro season dates for 2024/25 (games break from 12th Dec - 31st Jan) are as follows:
Juniors: 12th October - 30th March
Men Div 2: 22nd October - 1st April
Women Div 2: 23rd October - 2nd April
More information on dates are on the WPNSW website www.waterpolonsw.org.au
NEW to Water polo: Beginners - aged 8-12 years join our Junior Development and Learn to Play program. Held during school terms on Saturdays at Macquarie University Aquatic Centre. This program is specifically tailored as an introductory program for players to learn water polo.
Coordinator Contacts:
Juniors (Born 2007 to 2016): Jamie Nigel rydewaterpoloclub@gmail.com
Senior Women: Despina Hasapis despina.hasapis@outlook.com
Senior Men: Stewart Randall stewart.randall56@gmail.com
For information on training session times and locations go to www.rydewaterpolo.com.au/play-for-rhinos/training
Welcome to Ryde Rhinos Water Polo Club
Rhinos are passionate about all things water polo. Our club is all inclusive and welcomes experienced and new players to the sport. We are a long running Sydney water polo club who have been a breeding ground for national and international water polo players. We focus on providing a supportive environment for all of our players so they can achieve their potential with elite international coaches.
Head Coach - Boys: Erkin Shagaev
Head Coach - Girls: David Smith
Head Coach - Men: Erkin Shagaev
Head Coach - Women: Chris Hook
Ryde Water Polo is a member association of Water Polo NSW and Water Polo Australia.